
Top 10 Most Gifted Girls Body Secrets Hasnavlogs


1. One breast is always larger than the other. It’s usually a small enough difference to not be noticeable. But no woman has equal-sized breasts. Hasnavlogs

2. If you’re wondering why your girlfriend always brings things up from the past, it’s because women’s brains have been shown to have greHasnavlogsater recall and memory than men’s.

3. A woman’s egg is fertile between 24 and 48 hours and sperm can live up to 48 hours or longer in the a woman’s body. Yes, you read that right.Hasnavlogs

4. Evolutionary biologists claim that it is natural for women to seek men because of attractiveness and resources. (While men mostly seek youth and attractiveness.)Hasnavlogs

5. A woman’s clitoris grows all throughout at her life and when she hits menopause it actually becomes almost 3 times as large as when she was a teenager. Maybe that explains why women over 40 experience more orgasms

6. You might know that women live longer than men, on average. But do you know why? Some studies suggest that women are generally more likely to lead a healthier lifestyle. But there have also been studies suggesting that women’s bodies are naturally better at fighting disease. And some even suggest this is especially true for women who have been child bearers.

7. Women need to go easy on the razors downstairs because shaving the pubic area completely has been correlated to increased chances of spreading an STI.

8. Studies show that unlike men, who only listen with the left side of their brain, women listen with both sides of their brain. Well, this explains a lot. #amiright ladies?

9. A man who smells good is perceived as more attractive by women. Something about our hormones kicking in, and our senses going crazy over it.Women more easily trust a person who hugs them for more than 15 seconds. You can’t make this stuff up but does anybody else think that is an extra long time for a hug?

10. Some women are born with two uteruses or two vaginas. It may not be easily noticeable at first but if weird menstrual cycles or excessive bleeding occurs it may be a sign.


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